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Why can’t the laser cutting machine cut through?

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laser cutting machine
  1. The light outlet of the laser tube

The laser tube is the most important part that affects the cutting effect. It determines the processing effect, cutting performance and other operations. If this happens, the first part to check should be the laser tube, check for damage, and replace it if damaged. If it is not damaged, it should be cleaned.

  1. The focusing lens is damaged

The cutting speed is too fast, the focusing lens is damaged, the focusing effect is poor, the optical path is not correct, and the voltage is unstable. This is why laser cutting cannot cut through

  1. The optical path of the laser beam

The optical path of the laser beam will determine the intensity of the laser irradiation. If the laser beam is transmitted in the optical path, the laser beam will become weaker, and the processing of the plate may cause continuous cutting. At this time, it should be checked whether the optical path is in the correct position. Center, whether it passes through the center, if the laser does not pass through the hole, it is easy to cause diffraction phenomenon, which will lead to the weakening of the power of the laser tube and beam. For such problems, the working current can be increased to solve it.

  1. Deformation of the laser tube

The laser tube is the main factor that determines the laser. If it is deformed, it will also fail to cut. For its treatment plan, the laser tube should be rotated several times. Then rotate to the best support angle for processing, do not replace due to deformation.

Of course, there are many factors that cause the plate to be uneven or cut through, such as the problem of the material itself, insufficient pressure of the auxiliary gas, turbid water in the cooling system, and poor heat dissipation. We must take the invisible problems of laser cutting seriously and find out ways to solve these problems, which is of great significance to improve production efficiency and ensure the quality of laser cutting.

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