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What types of laser cutting machines are there?

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Laser cutting machine
Laser cutting machine

1. Classification by cutting material type

There are two types of metal laser cutting machines and non-metal laser cutting machines. This is a good distinction. Generally, metal laser cutting machines are used when metal materials are needed, and non-metal laser cutting machines are used when cutting non-metal materials.

2. Classification by laser type

According to the laser type classification of laser cutting machine, it can be divided into three types: fiber laser cutting machine, CO2 gas laser cutting machine, and YAG laser cutting machine which has been eliminated. Now the mainstream type of laser cutting machine in the domestic market is fiber laser cutting machine.

3. Classification according to laser output power

According to the classification of laser output power, it can be divided into three types: high-power laser cutting machine, medium-power laser cutting machine, and low-power laser cutting machine. The laser output power required by different application fields is also different. In the industrial field, high-power fiber laser cutting machines are mainly used, while in the laser engraving field, medium-power laser engraving and cutting machines are mainly used.

4. Classified according to the width of the cut sheet

The cutting sheet format can be divided into two types: standard format and large format, so the laser cutting machine can also be divided into two types: standard format laser cutting machine and large format laser cutting machine. The cutting length of the large-format laser cutting machine in the X-axis direction is more than 8000mm, and the cutting width in the Y-axis direction is mostly 2500mm, while the cutting area of the standard format cutting machine is generally about 3000mm×1500mm, 4000mm×2000mm.

5. Classification according to the geometric shape of the cut sheet

The types of cutting sheets can be divided into flat sheets and three-dimensional sheets. Flat sheets are generally cut by flat laser cutting machines, while three-dimensional sheets can be cut by robot laser cutting machines, three-dimensional five-axis laser cutting machines, etc.

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