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What is the difference between die cutting and laser cutting?

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Laser cutting machine

There are a number of notable differences between die cutting and laser cutting. For the convenience of your work, you should know the difference between them. Otherwise, you will have a hard time getting a nice finish.

So let us know what causes the difference between these two processes.

Die cutting

This is the process of cutting the material into unique shapes after printing. For less strong objects, you can use a die for cutting.

For different shapes and decorative shapes, you have to go through a die cutting operation. Put the material on a soft or woody metal block and you have to run a mold which will give you the desired shape.

After running this stencil on the block, you will be able to cut the material through the cutting tool.


◆It provides flexibility

◆Unique design cutting is possible

◆Affordable and lower cost

◆Will not bend and bend

◆Complex shapes can be realized

◆Quick run

◆Can be cut multiple times

◆Multi-layer cutting is possible

◆Best for achieving creases on plastic and card


◆Cutting tools are sharp blades and can be dangerous

◆New mold for each design

◆The log must be perfect so that it is free from any disturbance during the cutting process

Self-adhesive laser cutting

Laser cutting

The cutting process using a laser is called a laser cutter. By operating high laser rays, the operation is run by the machine.

This is a completely automated process that runs on a computer. You simply insert the design tool into the desired mold in the material.


◆More valuable work is possible

◆It is possible to draw tiny designs by this

◆The density of the material is not a problem at all

◆Shorter production time

◆Customization is easier

◆High efficiency level


◆Unable to handle mixed types of materials

◆Work at different temperatures

◆Generate dust and smoke

◆High cost

◆Consumption of high energy

◆May cause burns or other types of accidents

Self-adhesive pattern laser cutting

Similarities Between Die Cutting and Laser Cutting:

These two cutting operations are similar in that they both first require a die to run the operation.

To run the operation you will insert a mold which will replicate the tool and in feedback you will have the desired design.

The difference between die cutting and laser cutting:

The main difference between creating them automatically and manually. Laser cutting operations run automatically, while die cutting is run by an operator.

From a distance, the operator only needs to handle the laser cutting operation by adjusting the temperature and other functions of the laser. But something that doesn’t need to set the atmosphere for die-cutting operations! !

He/she just needs to cut the material according to the mould.

In a standalone cutting operation you have to insert the die and put pressure on the points, but in laser cutting, you don’t need this.

You have to plug the dye into the computer, and the laser cutter will recognize the design and execute its action.

If your client wants such a precious piece with such an intricate design, there is no choice but to use laser cutting. Timing and perfection between die cutting and laser cutting is important.

In conclusion:

So, in conclusion, you should say that the cutting function is the best in their field. If you require greater precision or perfection, then you should opt for laser cutting.

But there’s one thing here, and that’s money! ! !

Yes, laser cutting is expensive whether die cutting is not. If you have money issues like this, then you can focus on the perfect mold design because then you will have access to a die cutting machine.

Both die-cutting and small-cutting work, but laser cutting offers great precision.

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