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What are the potentials and advantages of laser cutting machines in market competition?

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laser cutting machine

According to the practice of professionals, the laser cutting machine is used to accurately cut thin plates, which greatly improves the cutting effect, and can fully apply laser devices of different thicknesses.

In the development of laser cutting machine equipment for more than ten years, the market demand and application have been continuously improved and changed, so that it can be more completely applied to the cutting of thin metal and become one of the applications in the machinery industry.

Laser equipment has been widely used in the United States, Japan, the European Union and other regions, so the quality and performance of imported products are much higher than domestic components. In the past 20 years, many domestic experts and scholars have conducted in-depth research on metal laser cutting machines, and domestic manufacturers have gradually turned to precision Cutting technology, which is also a big market for the domestic laser industry.

The high energy density cutting method can not only obtain good cutting quality, but also has no burrs, smooth and neat edges, and first-class precision.

The precise cutting utilization of laser cutting machine to part and product size is the most important foundation of all cutting equipment in the sheet metal industry.

The application of laser cutting machines in traditional materials and parts processing methods can achieve more than three times the accuracy and efficiency of other cutting equipment. Although the one-time price is slightly higher than other equipment, when cutting about 4mm, the processing cost is greatly reduced, and the efficiency can fully meet the requirements for processing enterprises with relatively large workloads.

We know that laser cutting is the energy released when the laser beam irradiates the surface of the workpiece to melt and evaporate the workpiece to achieve the purpose of cutting and engraving. It has high precision, fast cutting, not limited to cutting patterns, automatic typesetting saves materials. Smooth cutting and low processing cost will gradually improve or replace traditional metal cutting processing equipment.

Coupled with changes in optoelectronic industry technology and brutal competition in market applications, laser cutting equipment, as a high-tech industry, is falling in price. Based on the above factors, laser cutting machines have obvious advantages in production.

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