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What are the daily maintenance and maintenance contents of laser cutting machine?

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Laser engraving machine

Daily inspection and maintenance of machine tools

  1. Before starting the machine every day, carefully check the pressure of the laser working gas and cutting gas. If the gas pressure is not enough, it should be replaced in time.
  2. Check whether the X-axis zero point, Y-axis zero point, Z-axis zero point, laser ready state and other buttons are damaged (check the indicator light).
  3. Check the zero point of the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis, whether the limit switches and the mounting screws of the bumper are loose, and whether the limit switches of each axis are sensitive.
  4. Check whether the circulating water level in the chiller is sufficient, if not, it must be added in time.
  5. Check whether there is any leakage in the circulating waterway of the external optical path, and the leakage must be dealt with in time, otherwise the life of the optical lens will be affected.
  6. After cutting every day, check whether the lens of the focusing lens is damaged.
  7. Check whether the telescopic bellows of the external light path are burned or damaged.
  8. After the daily work is completed, clean up the cutting waste in time, clean the work site, and keep the work site neat and clean. At the same time, do a good job of cleaning the equipment to ensure that all parts of the equipment are clean and free of stains, and that no debris can be placed on any part of the equipment.
  9. After the daily work is completed, open the drain valve of the air storage tank at the bottom of the air compressor to drain water, and close the drain valve after the waste water is discharged.
  10. After the daily work is completed, shut down according to the shutdown procedure, and then turn off the total power of the entire machine tool.

Chiller maintenance and maintenance

The chiller should be regularly maintained to ensure that the machine is working in a good condition. If there is a breakdown, professional and technical personnel should be asked to repair it. Do not disassemble the machine by yourself.

The daily maintenance of the chiller should pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Regularly clean the cooling fins. The cleaning method is as follows: carefully brush the cooling fins with a brush, and then blow them off with compressed air. If necessary, use water mixed with a special air-conditioning fin cleaning agent (commonly known as washing dust) to clean and rinse.
    2 Regularly remove dust from the condenser (the method is the same as above).
  2. Regularly check the water level in the water tank of the chiller. If the water level is too low, add purified water or deionized water in time.
    4 Regularly check the wiring terminals of electrical appliances, and remove dust (must be done after power off).
    5 Regularly check whether the joints in the water system are leaking and whether the pipeline is aging. If there is water leakage, the relevant components should be replaced in time.
    6 Regularly check the water quality in the water tank of the chiller. If the cooling water quality becomes poor, turbid, or transparent, drain all the deteriorated cooling water in time and replace it with new cooling water.
    7 Regularly clean the impurities on the filter element. If the filter element is damaged, it should be replaced in time. The replaced filter element must use the standard filter element required by the manufacturer.
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