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Solutions to problems with laser cutting machines

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laser cutting machine

During the working process of the laser cutting machine, there will definitely be some small problems. How to deal with this problem?

Serious burrs when cutting sheet metal parts

When this happens, first check whether the laser power matches the thickness of the cut sheet metal. If the actual power is too low, burrs will indeed appear. If the power is normal, you can check whether the laser works normally or check whether the focus is accurate. After eliminating the problem, repeatedly fine-tune the power, air pressure, cutting speed and other parameters until the sheet metal parts with smooth cross-section can be cut.

When cutting the workpiece, it cannot be completely cut through

When such a problem occurs, first check whether the reflective lens is intact or stained, which will directly affect the conductivity of the laser and reduce the actual power acting on the workpiece. Secondly, check whether the laser tube has signs of attenuation. If the energy cannot reach it, it will have a great impact on the cutting performance. Remember to replace it in time.

The beam shakes when the fiber laser cutting machine is running

The probability of this situation is relatively low. Generally, such a situation is caused by the imprecise manufacturing process. A large part of the reason is that the gap between the slider is too large and the contact between the motor and the driver is caused by it. It should be dealt with in time. solve.

In addition to the quality of the fiber laser cutting machine, the reason for the problems has a lot to do with the operator. Improper operation will also cause serious losses to the laser cutting machine, and minor errors will also cause the cutting effect to vary greatly. Be careful Details can achieve better cutting quality. Attention to details can also make better laser cutting machine equipment.

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