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Reasons and solutions for the deformation of the finished product of the laser cutting machines

News & Blog

Fiber laser cutting machine

Fiber laser cutting machine can be used for both plane cutting and bevel cutting, and the edges are neat and smooth. It is suitable for high-precision cutting processing such as metal plates. It has high precision, fast speed, narrow slit, and the smallest heat-affected zone. , the cutting surface is smooth without burrs. The laser cutting head will not touch the surface of the material and will not scratch the workpiece.

So what is the reason for the deformation of the finished product when we use it? Let’s take a look together without further ado!

  1. The fiber laser cutting machine itself is a large-scale cutting equipment composed of multiple components. When the core component fails, it is normal to affect the processing quality of metal materials. It only needs to be repaired in time.
  2. The fiber laser cutting machine does not guarantee that the processed workpiece does not have the slightest deformation, but compared with other cutting equipment, the material deformation is much smaller. If there are some very small deformations, it is obviously unreasonable to blame the equipment itself .
  3. The material and thickness of the metal material do not match the equipment. The texture and thickness of the material are often the biggest causes of deformation. Some materials may be highly reflective. When cutting such materials, fiber laser cutting machines generally need to be processed. Cutting without processing will have a certain impact, and the thickness does not match the power of the equipment, which will affect the performance of the machine. Processing quality, these factors will lead to uneven heating of the material itself and deformation.
  4. The equipment has not been debugged well. Although the fiber laser cutting machine is very technical, it is also necessary to arrange for professionals to debug the entire machine before starting up. Many customers often ignore this point and rush to Turn on the machine, the cutting effect will of course be affected.
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