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CO2 laser cutting machine

What is the difference between CO2 laser cutting machine and fiber laser cutting machine?

First of all, as the mainstream traditional laser cutting and welding equipment, CO2 lasers are used, which can stably cut carbon steel within 20mm, s...

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laser cutting machine

Precautions when laser cutting machine cuts round holes

Generally, holes are punched before the overall cutting, so the question is, what should be paid attention to for the round holes of the fiber laser c...

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laser cutting machine

How are laser cutting machines classified according to their structure?

Usually we classify laser cutting machines according to the type of laser. So if according to the structure of the laser cutting machine itself, how c...

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laser cutting machine

What are the effects of the characteristics of the workpiece on laser cutting?

After having a certain understanding of the knowledge of laser cutting technology, we should know that the factors that affect the effect of laser cut...

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laser cutting machine

How to choose a laser cutting machine?

With the rapid development of laser processing technology, traditional heavy shearing and cutting equipment is being replaced by advanced laser cuttin...

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laser cutting machine

Nine standards for judging the cutting quality of laser cutting machines

Judging the quality of laser cutting machine cutting is the best way to judge the performance of laser cutting equipment most intuitively. Here are so...

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CO2 laser cutting machine

Nine aspects of simply judging the performance of laser cutting machines

The cutting quality of a laser cutting machine is one of the easiest ways to judge the performance of a laser cutting machine. The following are the n...

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laser cutting machine

Several problems of laser cutting machine power drop

There are many reasons that affect the power drop of the laser cutting machine. The following is an analysis of the reasons for the power drop of the ...

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laser cutting machine

How to effectively avoid the radiation damage of fiber laser cutting machine

Radiation is ubiquitous for people. The computers, mobile phones, hair dryers and copiers we often use all contain radiation. Radiation has different ...

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laser cutting machine

How to solve the fogging of the protective lens of the laser cutting machine?

In the cutting process of CNC laser cutting machine, auxiliary gas is essential! Among them, oxygen and nitrogen are commonly used. Of course, the hig...

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2024 Best Laser Cutting Machine & Laser Engraving Machine Manufacturers in China - Redsail Laser