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Compared with traditional cutting, what are the advantages of laser cutting technology

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laser cutting machine

Traditional laser cutting equipment can only cut flat plates or standard round tubes and square tubes. With the laser cutting industry undergoing some changes, including the quality, thickness and shape of cutting materials; the improvement of machine power and efficiency, etc., today’s laser cutting It can efficiently process components including automobiles, rail transit, aircraft manufacturing, electromechanical sanitary ware, 3D advertising signs, fitness equipment, etc. with higher speed and precision.

Although the development of the domestic laser industry is a preliminary development, under the leadership of international science and technology, it has completed a leap-forward development, with stage highlights of higher quality than the same. As far as laser cutting machines are concerned, the market demand is high, adding new vitality to the vast market. With the development of the laser industry, a complete set of laser industrial equipment has also entered the production market. It got rid of the long-term dependence on foreign countries and solved the embarrassing situation of the domestic laser industry. Compared with traditional cutting, the cutting method of laser cutting machine has some advantages for everyone to make a brief introduction:

  1. After the material is laser cut, the width of the heat-affected zone is very small, and the performance of the material near the cutting seam is hardly affected, and the deformation of the workpiece is small, and the cutting precision is high; the product quality is greatly improved.
  2. Non-contact cutting, no contact between the nozzle and the workpiece during laser cutting, no tool wear; the cost is also reduced.
  3. The cutting speed of the laser cutting machine is fast, and the maximum cutting speed can reach 6-9m/min; the production efficiency is more than ten times that of the original processing method.
  4. The incision of laser cutting is thin and narrow, the two sides of the slit are parallel and perpendicular to the surface, and the dimensional accuracy of the cut parts is high; it can process miniature and difficult parts with complex shapes.
  5. The surface of laser cutting is smooth and beautiful, and it can even be used as the last process, and the parts can be used directly; thus saving process time and labor costs, and achieving a good work optimization effect.

Anyone who understands the laser cutting market knows that laser cutting can process multiple industries. Now is the period of rapid development of the laser cutting industry. The advantages of flexible processing of laser cutting machines have replaced traditional metal processing methods. This high-precision laser processing method has been recognized. With the great popularity, the price of laser equipment is no longer that high.

Today’s low-power equipment can also be processed, which makes it no longer necessary to borrow other people’s equipment for processing if you want to buy a laser cutting machine. The laser cutting processing mode is gradually being replaced, which may be inevitable and also the future market. In terms of its processing effect, the processing effect of a single industry must be the best for a single industry, and it can also meet the requirements of this industry to a greater extent. And generally relatively large-scale manufacturing companies will provide equipment operation training to customers who purchase equipment. As long as the company has personnel with some technical processing background, it is relatively simple to get started. Therefore, if you want to use laser cutting for BOSS, you might as well try to use laser cutting equipment to buy and process it yourself, which can help you realize and solve many problems

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