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At what angle should we judge the quality of the laser cutting machine?

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CO2 laser cutting machine

When a new customer inspects a laser cutting machine for the first time, they will require on-site proofing. In addition to the cutting speed, the more important thing is to look at the overall quality of the cutting. So from which dimensions to measure the quality of a laser cutting machine? The following Zhiyuan Laser Xiaobian will give you a detailed introduction:

  1. Roughness The section of the laser cutting machine will form vertical lines, and the depth of the lines determines the roughness of the cutting surface. The shallower the lines, the smoother the cutting section. The degree of roughness not only affects the appearance of the finished product, but also affects the degree of friction. In most cases, it is necessary to reduce the depth of the grain of the cut section. The smoother the surface, the better the effect.
  2. Verticality If the thickness of the cut sheet exceeds 10mm, the perpendicularity of the cutting edge becomes very important. During the cutting process, the laser head moves from far to near, from top to bottom, and the beam of focus becomes scattered when it is farther away, and the closer it moves to the target, the more concentrated the beam becomes, and there will be a vertical Deviation, and the smaller the vertical deviation, the stronger the performance of the machine.
  3. Cutting lines and burrs As we all know, the advantage of laser cutting machine compared with other processing equipment is that it has small cutting burrs, fast efficiency and high precision. When the laser cutting machine processes thick plates, the molten metal residues will not appear on the vertical cutting surface, but will appear obliquely below. Cut dross and burrs. In order to correct this problem, it is generally to reduce the speed at the end of the cutting, so as to reduce dross and burrs as much as possible. Therefore, when cutting medium and thick plates, the less burrs and dross, the better the machine quality! The above are the points of judging the quality of laser cutting machines that Zhiyuan Laser has sorted out for you. I hope users will remember these points when purchasing laser cutting machines. .
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