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Analysis of the reason why the cloth laser cutting machine has no laser output​

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CO2 laser cutting machine

Analysis of reasons for no laser output of cloth laser cutting machine

Whether the focal length of the equipment is changed: adjust the focal length from the beginning.

Whether the collecting mirror is polluted: clean the collecting mirror.

Whether the optical path is offset: carefully adjust the optical path.

Whether the reflective lens is polluted or damaged: clean or replace the reflective lens.

Whether the cooling water circulates: dredge the cooling water.

Whether the cooling water quality or water temperature is normal: replace the clean cooling water to bring the temperature to the normal value.

Whether the laser power supply of the laser cutting machine is powered on: check the power supply circuit of the laser power supply to make it normal.

Whether the laser tube is damaged or aging: replace the laser tube.

Whether the laser power supply is damaged: replace the laser power supply.

Is the temperature of the whole machine too high?

(1) Shut down to let the temperature drop;

(2) Ventilation enhances heat dissipation of the machine;

(3) Adjust the ambient temperature.

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