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Laser cutting machine operation process

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laser cutting machine

After purchasing a laser cutting machine, after the manufacturer’s preliminary training, how should we operate it? Only by mastering the specific operation steps and methods of the laser cutting machine proficiently can the laser cutting machine be better used, the cutting effect will be better, and the daily production needs can be better served.

  1. Laser cutting machine hardware operation process
    The operation of the hardware part is mainly focused on the focusing part. This part of the work is very important. Although the manufacturer has adjusted the focus when the machine leaves the factory, deviations will inevitably occur during use. At this time, we can choose to find the manufacturer. Go for after-sales, but if the distance is far away, it may take a long time to go back and forth, so it is very important to adjust the focus after a few sessions.
  2. Laser cutting machine software operation process
    The software part of the laser cutting machine needs to set different parameters because the materials to be cut are different and the size is also different. The parameter setting of this part generally requires professional personnel to set it up, and it may take a lot of time to explore by yourself.
    Therefore, the setting of the parameter part should be recorded well during the manufacturer’s training.
  3. Specific operation steps of laser cutting machine
  4. Strictly follow the regulations, follow the principles of starting and shutting down, open the machine, and do not forcibly close or open it.
  5. Turn on the air switch, emergency stop, and key switch (see if there is an alarm display on the temperature of the water tank).
  6. Turn on the computer, wait for the computer to start up completely, and then press the start button.
  7. Turn on the motor, enable, follow, laser, and red buttons in sequence.
  8. Start the machine and import the CAD drawing.
  9. Adjust the initial processing speed, tracking delay and other parameters.
  10. Adjust the laser cutting machine focus, adjust the center, etc.
  11. Precautions for operation of laser cutting machine
  12. No part of the body can block the laser light path during focusing to avoid burns.
  13. The operator should understand the laser operation specifications to avoid dangerous situations caused by irregular operations during operation.
  14. After the equipment is turned on, there must be no one in front of the machine operating platform.
  15. It is forbidden to pile up flammable and explosive materials around the machine to avoid fire.
  16. Turn off the laser or shutter when the machine is not working.
  17. When any abnormality is found in the processing process, stop the machine immediately and find a professional to overhaul it.

The above are the specific operation methods and precautions of the laser cutting machine. If you have any unclear parts, please contact the manufacturer or after-sales for detailed consultation.

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