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Causes and solutions of burrs in the cutting process of laser cutting machines

News & Blog

laser cutting machine

The burrs are not caused by the quality problems of the laser cutting machine itself, but by the wrong operation method of the operator or the untimely maintenance and maintenance of the cutting machine. Below, we will summarize several common causes of burrs and their corresponding solutions to help readers stay away from the troubles of laser cutting burrs.

  1. The upper and lower positions of the focal point of the beam deviate. Solution: Adjust the position of the focus, and adjust it according to the offset position generated by it.
    Second, the output power of the machine is not enough. Solution: Check whether the laser cutting machine is working normally. If it is abnormal, it needs to be repaired and maintained in time. If it is normal, check whether the output value is correct.
  2. The wire cutting speed of the cutting machine is too slow. Solution: Adjust and increase the wire cutting speed in time.
  3. The gas purity of the cutting machine is not enough. Solution: Explain increasing the purity of the gas.
  4. The adding point of the laser beam of the cutting machine is offset. Solution: Debug the focus and adjust it in time
  5. The laser cutting machine is unstable due to the long operation time. Solution: Shut down the machine to restart and let the machine rest.
    The metal laser cutting machine is a precise machine, and its operation is also a precise work. Often a data error will cause its work to run abnormally. Therefore, it is necessary to be strict in the work to reduce and avoid errors.
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