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Five steps to install laser cutting machine lens

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laser cutting machine

Laser cutting belongs to high-precision mechanical equipment, and the requirements are relatively strict in the process of use. Among them, a very critical part of the laser cutting effect is the installation of the laser cutting machine lens. If this part is not installed according to the prescribed steps, it will easily lead to The deviation of the cutting center or even the misalignment of the edge of the cutting machine. So what aspects should be paid attention to when installing the laser cutting machine lens?

Step 1: Please wash your hands before operation, it is best to wash your hands with soap or detergent, this is a good habit for normal operation of the cutting machine lens. Do not directly touch the lens with bare hands, and wear special gloves to prevent the fingerprints from leaving on the lens and affecting the accuracy.

Step 2: When placing the lens, pay attention to stability so as not to slip and break it, and at the same time, pay attention to the convex surface of the lens facing up and flat on a smooth and clean table. At the same time, pay attention to check that there is no debris on the desktop, so as not to clutter or affect the operating environment of the lens.

Step 3: The lens of the laser cutting machine should be protected from moisture, and the traditional blowing method should not be used to wipe the lens, nor should hot air be used to blow the lens at the same time, so as not to damage the lens due to sudden thermal changes. The lens is a high-precision one, and the temperature and humidity are strictly controlled so as not to affect the lens surface protective film and optical accuracy.

Step 4: After the lens of the laser cutting machine is assembled, pay attention to the cleaning and dust removal of the lens. It is best to use a clean air spray gun to clean it instead of an ordinary spray gun.

Step 5: The lens of the cutting machine must be kept absolutely clean, and do not directly touch the surface of the lens with hands, and strictly prevent other non-designated items from directly touching the surface of the lens. During the cleaning and maintenance of the lens, use professional wiping paper to gently pull it slowly from side to side to avoid scratching the surface of the lens.

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