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What are the high-quality cutting performances of laser cutting machines

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laser cutting machine

The texture depth of the metal sheet surface

The depth of the texture on the cut section of the sheet metal directly determines the appearance and roughness of the sheet metal. Generally speaking, if the cutting section of the material is smoother, the texture will be shallower. From this, we can know that the cutting quality of the laser cutting machine can be reflected by the texture of the cut plate.

Whether there are burrs or sharp angles on the surface of the metal sheet

Compared with traditional cutting equipment, laser cutting machine not only has faster cutting speed and higher cutting quality, but also has fewer burrs or sharp angles on the surface of the cut material. If the user finds that a laser cutting machine equipment There are a lot of burrs and sharp angles on the cut material, so the quality of this laser cutting machine should be carefully considered;

Cutting the size of the heat-affected zone of the metal sheet

The laser cutting machine heats the parts through the laser, then makes the temperature of the plate reach the melting point, and then blows away the melted or gasified metal through high-pressure gas to complete the cutting work. Therefore, the metal laser cutting machine will definitely form a heat-affected zone when cutting materials. The smaller the heat-affected zone, the better the processing effect of metal materials. If the heat-affected zone of the metal plate is too large, deformation and depression will appear. corrosion etc.

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