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What are the protective measures when the laser cutting machine is in operation?

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laser cutting machine

Laser cutting is a processing method widely used in the laser processing industry, which has the characteristics of high speed, high precision, and high cost performance. With the increasing use of laser cutting machines in various industries, when using laser cutting machines for industrial operations, operators need to take some necessary protective measures to avoid unnecessary injuries.

  1. Eye protection
    Generally, when we use a laser cutting machine, we habitually stare at the cutting head of the laser. This habit actually hurts the eyes. Staring at the sparks generated by cutting for a long time is harmful to the eyes and will make the eyes sting. feel. At the same time, when the laser is cutting and processing, it will also shoot out a special substance, which is highly concentrated in the workshop and directly focused on the retina to form an image through the refractive medium of the eye, which will increase the energy density on the retina. The energy density is higher than that on the cornea, which can cause damage to the cornea or retina of the eye.
  2. Skin protection
    In addition to the eyes, the laser is also very irritating to the skin. The laser will cause damage to the skin tissue, but this damage can be repaired by itself. Although the overall function of the skin will decline, it will not affect the overall functional structure. , but if you irradiate under the laser for a long time, it will cause skin burns or leave scars. Although compared with the eyes, the laser damage to the skin is much smaller, but it should also be paid enough attention.
  3. Respiratory protection
    When operating a laser cutting machine, it may affect our respiratory tract. Because the laser will generate a certain high temperature, this high temperature can be combined with the gas to complete various cutting work, and a large amount of dust will be generated in this process, especially when processing some special metal materials, the generated dust will contain many chemical components , the human body is harmful to the body after inhalation.
    Laser cutting has a wide range of applications in all walks of life. Do not follow the operating procedures when using it, so that laser cutting can better serve the public.
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