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Common problems and solutions of laser cutting machines

News & Blog

Laser cutting machine
Laser cutting machine

1、 Deviation in the position of the beam focus.

Solution: Adjust the position of the focus based on the generated offset position.

2、 Insufficient output power.

Solution: Check if the laser cutting machine is working properly. If there are any abnormalities, they need to be repaired in a timely manner. If normal, check if the output value is correct.

3、 The wire cutting speed of the cutting machine is too slow.

Solution: Timely adjust and improve wire cutting speed.

4、 Insufficient purity of auxiliary gas in the cutting machine.

Solution: Explain to improve the purity of the auxiliary gas.

5、 Cutting machine laser beam plus point offset.

Solution: Debug focus and adjust in a timely manner

6、 The laser cutting machine runs for too long, resulting in instability.

Solution: Turn off the machine and restart it, allowing it to rest.

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