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17 points that must be paid attention to when using laser engraving machine

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laser engraving machine

1: It is strictly forbidden to start the machine without grounding. The grounding of all parts of the machine must be completely reliable to prevent static electricity from hurting people.

2: After each start-up, you must check whether the submersible pump is out of water. If there is no water out, it is strictly forbidden to start up and work.

3: Ensure that the circulating water has a moderate water temperature, and the water quality is dry and free of debris (purified water is recommended). Regularly replace the circulating water (7 days).

4: Use a special camera lens paper or a medical cotton swab dipped in a mixture of alcohol and ether to wipe the reflective mirror and focusing mirror. (Ether and alcohol mixing ratio 1:1)

5: Be sure to turn on the fan when engraving, so as not to pollute the lens and focusing mirror.

6: It is strictly forbidden to place flammable and explosive items near the laser machine equipment. When the machine is working, the top cover of the machine must be covered to prevent fire or injury caused by laser deviation.

7: During the working process of the machine, the operator is prohibited from leaving without authorization to avoid unnecessary losses.

8: Non-professionals are strictly forbidden to disassemble the machine without authorization to avoid accidents.

9: It is strictly forbidden to place any irrelevant reflective objects in the equipment to prevent the laser from being directly reflected on the human body or flammable objects, causing danger.

10: It is forbidden to start the machine when the voltage is unstable, otherwise a voltage stabilizer must be used.

11: Untrained personnel are prohibited from using the laser engraving machine.

12: During the working process of the machine, the operator must observe the working conditions of the machine at any time (such as: whether the paper laid on the edge is blown up by the air pump to block the laser, the machine makes abnormal sounds, the temperature of the circulating water, etc.).

13: The environment where the machine is located is free from pollution, strong electricity, strong magnetism and other interference and influence.

14: Machine working time The continuous working time cannot exceed 5 hours (more than half an hour break is required in the middle).

15: It is strictly forbidden to turn on the ammeter at the maximum value to avoid breakdown of the laser power supply.

16: Basic restrictions on the use of laser power (that is, the maximum current meter cannot exceed 20mA)

17: If the machine malfunctions or a fire occurs, please cut off the power immediately.

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